Saturday, May 17, 2008

Fruit in Beer

Nick and I sharply disagree on this. I firmly believe that fruit belongs in beer... he firmly believes that fruit has no place in beer. Incidentally, he's wrong, but only sometimes.

Anyway, we just recently finished our exams here, so Wednesday night was a ROUGH evening. I was in no mood to even be within 100 yards of alcohol until last night. I was back at the neighborhood bar, and figured I'd try an interesting looking tap-- the Opa Opa Watermelon.

This is one of those cases where Nick was RIGHT. Holy hell, this was one of the worst things I've ever tasted.

I'm not even going to dignify it with a full review (plus, I spent too much time creating those damn links... how DO you do it, Nick?)...

Suffice it to say, it looks innocuous enough, though a little bit lighter and clearer than you'd expect from any beer... then I remembered it's WATERMELON. Of course it's going to look like urine.

Aroma? There isn't one. It smells like water... literally--there was nothing coming off the glass at all.

And the flavor is the coup de grace. I was literally unable to distinguish this beer from the taste of Cap'n Crunch. WITH Crunchberries. The only two differences I can determine: a) this is liquid, and b) as one of the people I was with pointed out, at least this will get you drunk... but for that to happen, you'd have to drink WAY more of this beer than anyone should be willing to drink. BLECH.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I must disagree with your assessment of Mr. Freeman's stance on fruity beers. I cite the introduction of Blueberry Beer into Mod 23...