Thursday, July 30, 2009


What's the best beer to drink when drowning one's sorrows after a major betrayal?

I'm going to need an answer ASAP after today's news.

Re: Obama's Beer

Following up on Mark's post:

I'm really let down by this most recent turn of events. I'm not talking about what Obama said about the police officer (I see no reason to get worked up over it, unlike some people). I'm talking about his utter failure to follow through on an extremely important campaign promise.

Last year, I endorsed then-Senator Obama after reading this news story. It explained that the president was a fan of microbrews, while Senator McCain preferred Bud Light. Now we find out that for the most highly anticipated beer in White House history, President Obama has chosen to drink that very same disgusting beverage.

For a beer lover like me, this is a stomach punch. This is like "Read my lips," but with a nasty after taste.

Mr. President, please, for the good of the nation, don't drink that beer.

Addendum: President Obama actually has two separate beers named after him. Why not serve one of those?

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Monday, July 27, 2009

Curieuxity Killed the Cat

But satisfaction brought him back.

The funny juices aren't flowing today, and work internet sucks... so bear with a fairly unfunny post.

Nick and I were at some beer festival not all too long ago, when, as frequently happens at these events, we happened to notice one of the brewers of a popular brewery staffing his own table.

The brewer was Rob Tod, the genius behind the delicious brews from the Allagash Brewery of Maine. As we always do when we run into brewers, Nick and I stopped to chat. We asked him what he had at the Festival that we probably hadn't tried, and he immediately gave us both identical near-orange pulls of something or other.

"We're using bourbon barrels to age this one," he said.

That much was clear--the beer, allegedly a tripel, was filled with additional sweetness, additional spice, and a completely different alcohol finish. It was, to put it simply, f'ing delicious.

Unfortunately, Nick and I had gotten to the Allagash booth a little late in the day's activities, and neither of us really had the chance to enjoy this beer, the Allagash Curieux, as much as we would've liked.

Last evening, a friend brought a 750 of the magical brew to a small party; there were five of us, and we drank about half...

It's even better when you're sober.

The beer pours unbelievably light--it's got a slight orange hue, and it's definitely cloudy, but it glows, even in a room with relatively low light. The aroma is citrus, with a hint of banana or clove--standard tripel nose. The fruit literally explodes on first taste. Citrus, banana, and some heavy clove spice... not overpowering, but definitely heavier than what you'd get from a normal tripel. Far more complex than the dogshow tripels of the world. The bourbon residue and smoke has also done a nice job suppressing the typical bubble gumminess of the style.

The real wonder of the bourbon barrel ageing doesn't even become totally apparent until far later in the glass. Like any tripel, the Curieux is on the boozy end of the spectrum at 11%. The alcohol finish on the Curieux is surprisingly pleasant--it has a hint of the roasted flavor that plagues the micro-stouts and porters which constitute most bourbon barrel offerings, but is also pleasantly mild and not overpowering. The alcohol is NOT hidden, but is smooth and utterly inoffensive. It elevates the mouthfeel to a whole new level (that's what she said...) and actually leaves the best part of the beer for the end.

Go get a bottle. You'll be damn glad you did.


Former Patriots star Troy Brown is now part owner of the recently revived classic New England lager, Narragansett Beer.

Brown's association with 'Gansett is just the latest addition to the company's long tradition with New England sports. In the fifties and sixties, it was the offical beer of the Boston Red Sox and before that, 'Gansett was a major sponsor of the Boston Braves.

I won't lie, 'Gansett isn't exactly the highest quality beer on the market. It falls into the "let's make a beer that won't offend anyone" category of most major American beers. However, it has a long history in my home state and, as far as I'm concerned, if I'm going to drink a cheap beer, I'm going to drink one from a small local company rather than a giant conglomorate that treats its workers like shit.

BeerHappens is currently working with a contact at Narragansett Beer to arrange an interview with the three-time world champion football star and budding beer entrepreneur. We'll keep you posted.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Let It Beet

Recently, a friend and I went to a barbeque during the few hours of sunshine we’ve had this summer. On the ride over, we stopped to pick up some beverages at a package store I’d never been to before. The selection was pretty limited but we did manage to find a six-pack of Magic Hat’s summer brew, Wacko.

Despite the name, there’s really only one weird thing about this beer: the color. It’s a very unassuming beer; a little sweet and lightly hopped with a medium body. Not really much to write home about except for that color. Seriously, look at that thing. It looks more like a Shirley Temple than a beer. Obviously, I’ve seen red ales before but they’re generally not bright red like Wacko is.

A tiny bit of research reveals that the Magic Hat guys achieved this fantastic hue by adding beet juice into the boil. My response, like yours I’m sure was: Really? Beet juice? I’d never even heard of such a thing. I mean, I guess there’s no reason you couldn’t juice a beet, but who thought of that? (Answer: probably Jack Lalanne.)

However they came up with this brew, let’s all just be thankful that it doesn’t taste like beets. The downside is that it doesn’t taste like much of anything. Even though it’s a pretty bland beer, it still ranks at #2 on the list of my favorite things associated with beets. What’s #1? “Killer Tofu” of course.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Sorry 'bout that

Hey Ladies-

Nick and I are sorry. Beer does, as the blog title suggests, happen. Unfortunately, so does other stuff. We've both been very busy... but fear not. We both still drink plenty of beer, too.

So hopefully we're back for real this time--the hiatus (and what a hiatus it was), is over, and your favorite beer bloggers (of course, now that TheLadyFriend and I are no longer an item, we have no readership left,) are back.

No beer in tonight's post; I've had some great beers since last posting, some good beers since last posting, and some AWFUL beers since last posting. From here on out, anything worth mentioning, whether it's great, awful, or just interesting, you'll hear about it from me right here.

Presumably Nick will also go on rants about how beer isn't hoppy enough and how fruit has no place in a man's beer.

It's good to be back. I've missed writing a blog and pretending someone reads it.
